Workington, Washington Square
- The dominant retail destination in the town
- 250,000 sq ft town centre shopping centre providing 62 retail units and a 427-space car park
- Anchor tenants include TK Maxx, Next and Home Bargains
- Annual footfall of 4 million
Business Plan & Achievements
Sovereign Centros were appointed to replace previous asset manager with simultaneous transfer to preferred property management team.
Initial asset management focus on income and occupancy stabilisation.
Repurposing solution for the former Debenhams department store, with the introduction of new anchor fashion store, TK Maxx.
Emphasis on improving retailer and customer engagement through enhanced dialogue, marketing and website overhaul.
Collaborative relationship established with Allerdale Borough Council who are a key stakeholder as freeholder of the centre.
Aesthetic refurbishment improvements being worked up to enhance the shopping environment.
Focus on diversification of use, reducing exposure to retail through the incorporation of more restaurants and cafes.